Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Zev's biggeest mess yet...

Today Zev made the biggest mess he has EVER made. It started with this bottle of vegetable oil. It used to be brand new, sealed closed, and full...
Zev has played with it a few times. Right now, Zev's biggest passion is bottles of all sizes and shapes. He loves to put the lids on and off of them over and over. I didn't worry about this one, as he has played with it many times. Today though, while cutting up some veggies, I heard "glug, glug, glug". I turned around to see a very excited little person pouring out all the oil and then splashing in the most giant puddle of yellow goo. Then he started to crawl and slip and slide.

He and I went and got in the shower, once he was un-oiled, I came back to figure out how to clean up the mess. After calling a few people for advice, Stacy told me to blot, sprinkle baking soda, sweep that up, and then mop... Here it what it looked like mid-clean...

Apparently I did not give Zev the best shower because he still smells like oil, but he seems to be having a good time none the less. This is what he was doing while I cleaned up.

I am sure I have many more such messes to come...

Next post: a breakfast mess

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