Wednesday, July 4, 2012

summer fun

Zev is out of school again for three weeks. We have had lots of fun already, and it's only Tuesday!

On Saturday, we tried painting with marbles.  Zev is a messy guy, so I wrapped it in saran wrap, and it worked perfectly.  He loved it, but it sure is a quick craft.

Here is a video of Mr. Z shaking it!

They turned out really nice.  On this one he wanted red, white, and blue for the "mer-cic-can" birthday, also know as the Fourth of July.  He was surprised when it turned out so purple, but it was a good teaching moment. He gave this one to Papa, who had been in the hospital.

We kept this masterpiece at home. 

Zev really does not enjoy swim lessons anymore.  He is VERY vocal about it, and he is very scared.  It is actually really depressing for me, but I know he needs to learn. This was his reward after the lessons.

On Sunday Ari had to work, so I took the boys to the splash park.  Tahl had fun for about ten minutes, and then he spent the rest of the time trying to escape the splash park to get to the WAY to hot regular park. 

Here is Tahli running around on the splash park.  He found someone else's toy on the ground which he really liked.

Zev turned these silly sun glasses into "Daddy glasses" by taking out the dark part. 

 On Monday we had friends over to play, and then on Tuesday we went to the mall. In the afternoon the boys had fun playing in Tahl's crib.

Tahl was so excited that Zev was in his crib. 

He was just full of giggles.

We decided to make the bed into a fort. 

The guys thought the fort was FUN. 

Here is Zev snoring in bed! You can also hear Tahl try to say "schmata" at the end of the video.

This guy might need a hair cut soon. 

Later on Zev was making Fruit Loop jewelry.  

Tahl was just eating the cereal. He was in heaven. 



Zev worked really hard.

His bracelet was so big, we made it into a necklace. 

When we went on a walk after, he thought it was the best snack ever.

It made for a very sticky walk.

Tahl didn't get any more cereal, but he did spend his whole walk barking. At least he knows dogs don't quack.  
We have lots of plans with our family in town for the Fourth.  Hopefully I will remember to take pictures.

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