Friday, October 12, 2012

Our week

Our week was already very busy with the zoo, the arboretum, and the fair, but here are a few pictures from around our house.  Zev loves to help me clean the bathroom. I think it is funny, so I took a picture of him cleaning the toilet.

I read an article this week about how moms need to try to get in the picture more! I want my kids to remember me and our connection at this stage, so I am going to try to make an effort.

I think we love each other.

We are both pretty silly.

Here is Tahl just drinking some milk and relaxing in the bean bag chair.

I came in to find Zev like this in his "cage."

Tahl thought he might need to get in that cage too.

Here he is taking a turn.

Zev is checking him out in there.  Look how skinny Z is getting!

They tried to sit in there together, but it was quite a squeeze.

Here they are at Jamba Juice. 

The only sad time is when we run out.

Tahl was really, really sad when he ran out of smoothie.

We had friends over Thursday afternoon to make Halloween crafts, and Zev and I made this yummy snack for our friends. He made the instant pudding almost on his own and added the green food coloring. We crushed up the cookies to put on the top to make the monster faces.

Zev had so much fun with his friends that it made him take a nap!

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